Marc Chagall (1877–1895) is perhaps the foremost visual interpreter of the Bible in the 20th Century. His art is filled with his own reoccurring symbols of visual memory and imagination. He said he did not see the Bible, but he dreamed it, even as a child. Chagall’s vision of the Old Testament combines his Jewish heritage and modern art giving us a rich display of symbol and imagination.

Watanabe's chief desire was to create art that could be enjoyed by common people and displayed in ordinary settings. Witness to Faith hopes to help fulfill his wishes by offering for view some of his original momigami (wrinkled paper) and washi (Japanese paper) prints, calendars that have been printed since the early 1970s, and stencil Christmas cards he made for friends. May these be a true Witness to Faith.

This show includes eighteen pieces from the Miserere series, five from Fleurs du Mal I, several colored pieces from The Passion and Fleurs du Mal III, along with two signed works and several other prints. Seeing Christ in the Darkness is an excellent collection of the world-class prints of one of the most important printmakers of the 20th century.

Bowden Collections is proud to offer the traveling exhibition, Ecce Homo/Behold the Man with images dating from the early 17th century to contemporary works. Among the artists included are Jacques Callot, Georges Rouault, Max Beckmann, Schmidt-Rotluff, Otto Dix, Odilon Redon, Bruce Herman, and Tyrus Clutter. This exhibition is organized to place the viewer at the scene where Jesus was condemned by the crowd as described in Matthew 27, “And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, saying, ‘Let him be crucified.’”

This show has 40 stunning molas from the San Blas Islands off the coast of Panama that tell the story of the Bible, from the Garden of Eden to the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven. Molas are panels of reversed embroidery originally applied to the front and back of the Cuna women's blouses. Each mola is a beautifully designed interpretation of biblical stories with whimsical treatments and tender insights.

“God is dead…And we have killed him.”

—Nietzsche, The Gay Science, 1882


This show brings together twenty-three paintings from one of America’s most amazing self-taught artists. His vibrant images, rendered in enamel and house paint with a shimmering glossy finish on cardboard and his flamboyant use of color put him in a category all his own.

Ethiopia is one of the oldest Christian civilizations in the world. Even today, more than half of Ethiopians identify as Christian and are still creating religious objects similar to those done centuries ago. The Sacred Art of Ethiopia is organized to familiarize ourselves and celebrate Ethiopia’s rich artistic heritage exhibition.


One of the highlights of the show is a hundred year old painting on leather of the Virgin Mary and Her Beloved Son surrounded by stories from the life of Jesus.

The table invites us to gather with family and friends, but also with those of common faith around the table of our Lord. It's one of the foremost  places of human connection. It is a rich biblical metaphor, a place of gathering, a place of blessing, and a place where we share and serve.

It is the hope of Bowden Collections that the art in this exhibition of twenty-five pieces from six centuries and many countries will help the observer appreciate how artists find inspiration in music, and that each viewer will be further inspired to celebrate and Fill the Earth with Music.

Imagined with a vast variety of living things parading into the ark two-by-two, the animals intrigue most youth who hear the story of Noah’s ark and the cargo it carried. The story of the flood has fascinated children and adults alike for centuries and has captured the imagination of the artist like no other biblical narrative. Medieval artists depicted the horrors of people clamoring for high ground but more recent interpretations view the event with humor and delight.

This exhibition includes works by internationally known printmakers such as Albrecht Dürer, Anders Zorn and Annibile Carracci, by contemporary artists of importance, as well as by totally unknown artisans, calligraphers and craftpersons.


This exhibition consists of 33 lithographs by the German Expressionist Otto Dix that tell the story of the Book of Matthew. The cycle commences with an interpretation of the Sacrifice of Isaac as it looks forward to the work of the Savior, but the life of Jesus begins with the Adoration of the Maji, then it moves through his ministry and focuses on the Passion. Interestingly Otto Dix ends the series with an image entitled, Go Therefore into the World, acknowledging that the work of Christ continues as we proclaim his redemption. Each print is framed to 20” x 16” and is ready for hanging.


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