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The Sacred Art of Ethiopia
Ethiopia is one of the oldest Christian civilizations in the world. Even today, more than half of Ethiopians identify as Christian and are still creating religious objects similar to those done centuries ago. The Sacred Art of Ethiopia is organized to familiarize ourselves and celebrate Ethiopia’s rich artistic heritage exhibition.
Most of the pieces in the show are the work of Ethiopian artists and artisans from the last thirty to fifty years, who carry on ancient forms of sacred art-making in the modern era. They include hammered metal processional and pectoral crosses, folding icons, and leather and parchment paintings on biblical themes in the style of traditional Ethiopian illuminated manuscript art. One of the highlights of the show is a hundred year old painting on leather of the Virgin Mary and Her Beloved Son surrounded by stories from the life of Jesus.
The Ethiopian school of iconography was formed by skilled artisans in medieval Ethiopian monasteries, similar to what happened in European monasteries where the monks were often trained to work in scriptoriums copying religious texts and painted icons, always remaining faithful to the tradition. Making icons continues to be an important vocation in Ethiopia today.
The purpose of Ethiopian art is use color to portray the drama of the Gospels. These icons are made of wood or leather panels, and are used as personal altars. From the Annunciation to the Wisemen at the Nativity, Christ’s Baptism, The Wedding at Cana through the many events of his Passion, the Ethiopian artist has focused on the life of Jesus.
When thinking of Ethiopian art it would be impossible not to mention the array of crosses that dominate their culture. Nowhere in the world has the cross been proliferated in so many ways as in Ethiopia. As seen in this exhibition there are large elaborately designed processional crosses mounted on poles, many in metals, but some in wood, to be used in public worship. For over 1,600 years Ethiopians have worn pendants or neck crosses, many times given at baptism and worn as evidence of the faith. Still other crosses were worn by priests and pilgrims during religious processions.
It is hoped that The Sacred Art of Ethiopia will enhance the viewer’s appreciation for how varied the Christian community worldwide ‘sees’ the Scriptures.
Mary with Her Beloved Son and other Saints
Birth of Jesus
Wedding at Cana
Mary Magdalene with ANgels
Processional Cross
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.6
Processional Cross
Queen of Sheba and Solomon panels, 1
Queen of Sheba and Solomon panels, 2
Queen of Sheba and Solomons, panel 3
Sheba and Solomon Panels
Jesus Washes his Disciples' Feet
Last SUpper
Nativity with Wise Men
Mary ith Angels
Last Supper
Baptism of Jesus
Jesus Carries His Cross
Triumphal Entry
Baptism of Jesus wood panel
Lamb of God
Nativity with Wise Men
Ge'ez Prayer Book
Processional Cross
Flight into Egypt
Arrest of Jesus
Crucifiction Pendent
Pectoral Crosses
Illuminated Prayer Book
Abraham and Isaac
Mary with Her Son and Two Archangels
Old Testament Stories
34 - 34
February 1 to October 31, 2026
Glencairn Museum
1001 Cathedral Road | PO Box 757 | Bryn Athyn, PA, 19009
Contact: Ed Gyllenhaal
267-502-2983 | ed.gyllenhaal@glencairnmuseum.org
September 1 to November 30, 2025
First Congregational Church
535 Forest Ave
Glen Ellyn IL 60137
Contact: Deb Giampoli debgiampoli@gmail.com
630 697 2941
May 18 to July 20 2025
Soujorn Arts
1303 S Shelby St
Louisville KY 40217
Contact: Michael Winters, Michaelwinters@sojournchurch.org
(502) 494-7042
February 1 to April 30, 2025
First Presbyterian Church of Flint
746 S. Saginaw St.
Flint, MI 48502
Contact: Rosemary Lutz, lutzycle@gmail.com (810) 234-8673
July 1 to September 30, 2024
Patmos Arts Center
Community of Jesus
5 Bay View Dr, Orleans, MA 02653
Contact: Laura McKendree, lauramck75@gmail.com
(508) 237-6275
January 15 to April 30, 2024
Luz Art
1640 Irving Blvd
Dallas, Texas 75207
Contact: Carmelita Martel
August 1 to December 30, 2023
St Lukes Anglican Church
50 Pope Ave, Hilton Head, SC 29926
Contact: Ruth Hauck, rwh22hhi@aol.com
Andy Sonfield, andrea.sonfield@gmail.com
Sacred Art of Ethiopia
31 pieces
Legend Queen of Sheba and King Soloman (Triptych)
Abraham and Isaac Unknown artist
Old Testament Dipthyc shadow box
Mary and Her Son with Two Archangels 1970
Mary and Her Beloved Son with Archangels Michael and Gabriel
(Altarpiece) 18 x 14 open & 18 x 7 ¾ closed.
Mary and Her Beloved Son with Other Saints (leather panel) 27 5/8 plus 1½ hanging x 13 7/8 inches
Birth of Christ and His Life 32 1/2 x 27 1/2
Nativity with Wisemen 5 ½ x 7 ½ inches
Flight to Egypt yellow
Flight to Egypt
Baptism of Jesus (wood) 9 ¼ x 5
Baptism of Jesus 10 x 6 ½
Triptych: Three Illiuminations
1. Jesus birth
2. Wedding at Cana
3. Mary Magdalene
Last Supper sm
Last supper 12 ¾ x 24
Jesus Washing the Disciples’ Feet 12 1/2 x 25
Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane 11 x 11 shadow box
Arrest of Jesus 12 ½ X 6 ¾
Christ Carrying the Cross 15 34 x 11 ¾
Crucifixion and Resurrection of Adam and Eve ( pendent)
Ethiopian Processional Cross (21st century)
Ethiopian Presessional Cross (with sculptured Mary 19th c)
Presessional Cross..(smaller)
Three Handheld crosses (framed)
Pectoral Crosses (Shadow box)
Ethiopian Illuminated Prayer Book
Ge’ez Prayer Book 9 x 13 ¼ x ¼ open
Lamb of God 10 ¼ x 7 1/4
Coronation of the Virgin/Virgin Enthroned leather panel 11 ½ by 12 ½
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